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Breast Augmentation

Yazarın fotoğrafı: Dr.Nurgül Altuntas Dr.Nurgül Altuntas

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation the most popular aesthetic operation around the world according to current data of ISAPS. Breast shape and volume are very important for woman because breast is seconder sexual organ of woman. The volume of the breast may be smaller then the normal size because development defects or as a result of weight loss/ breastfeeding.


Surgical details you need to know

  • İmplant type

  • İmplant forms

  • Placement place of the implants

  • Surgical incision location

  • İmplant size

İmplant type : silicon gel implant or saline implant

İmplant forms : anatomic or round

Placement place of the implants: under the muscle, over the muscle,dual plane, fascial plane

Surgical incision type: İnframammarian, axillary, areolar

Surgical plan made according to the breast base diameter , the existing size and consistency of breast.

A health women over the age 18 is suitable candidates for breast augmentation. Carefully consider the following factors so you can discuss them with your surgeon.

  • Bleeding tendencies

  • İnfections

  • Your healing capabilities which can affected by smoking , alcohol and medications.

  • Prior breast surgery

  • Your overall health


+90 262 331 61 61

+90 505 799 29 98


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Özel ATAKENT CİHAN Hastanesi
Gebze John Hopkins ASM

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